Git Hacks
Here are some hacks that are helpful in day to day development when using git as source control. Some of these are from my notes and some are taken from other posts online. I find these to be a valuable reference and are most frequently used when you are working on multiple git repos based workflows.
Merging multiple commits into a single commit
git rebase -i HEAD~2
The above command launches the rebase tool in interactive mode and will help you collapse the last 2 commits from head. rebase is one of the most powerful tools that is invaluable for day to day use.
Undo last commit
To preserve last made changes
git reset --soft HEAD~1
To throw away last made changes
git reset --hard HEAD~1
Amend last commit
git commit --amend
This will help edit the last commit. This will only amend the local commit that has not been yet pushed to the repository.
Import all changes from an existing repo along with history as a sub-directory.
Using subtree
git subtree add -P SRC_DIRECTORY ssh://git@REPO_URL master
Import all changes from a sub-directory on an existing repo into a new repo with all history
Using filter-branch
Although you could use subtree let us explore a little detailed approach that is provided here in stack overflow
Prepare the changes in sub-directory. (SOURCE REPO)
git clone SOURCE_REPOcd SOURCE_REPOgit remote rm origin git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter SOURCE_REPO -- --all
Merge the changes to the new repo
git clone DEST_REPO cd DEST_REPO git remote temp_origin PATH_TO_PREVIOUSLY_PREPARED_REPO_ABOVE git pull temp_origin master --allow-unrelated-histories git remote rm temp_origin git push
When you have multiple directories to import to new repo use the following command.
git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm --cached -qr --ignore-unmatch -- . && git reset -q $GIT_COMMIT -- $DIR1 $DIR2 $DIR3' --prune-empty -- --all\n